About Dr Dianne Cartwright
Dr Dianne Cartwright, B.Sc. Hons (UQ) MBBS Hons (UQ) FRACGP
Dianne Cartwright is a Brisbane girl who landed on the planet at the end of the Second World War as a founding member of the Baby Boomer generation. Girls were definitely second-class citizens at that time, so her great desire to become a member of the medical profession was denied. She studied biology at the University of Queensland instead, followed by postgraduate study in the Faculty of Rural Science at the University of New England, Armidale. Her science degree and postgraduate research came in very handy in deciphering the neuroscientific literature for this book.
Later in life she returned to the University of Queensland, graduated with a medical degree, and enjoyed a long career as a GP in Cairns.
From her late teens onwards, Dr Cartwright had infrequent but fascinating and unforgettable experiences in the realm of extrasensory perception, including telepathy or mind-to-mind communication with another person. Over the years, during chats with friends, she discovered that many of them had had similar experiences. The big question for Dianne was ‘how many people have these experiences and abilities?’.
Dr Cartwright surveyed her patients. She was astonished to find that almost half of the survey group had a personal ESP story indicating that telepathy and ESP are common, and a natural part of being human. She has spent many happy and intriguing hours researching these topics during her retirement and is pleased to have found a plausible explanation to share with all those interested in, and puzzled by, our lost sense – telepathy.

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Telepathy and extrasensory perception (ESP) intrigue millions of people all over our world. However, people rarely talk about their personal experiences for fear of ridicule or worse.
While my personal experiences have been few and far between, they are incredible and unforgettable.